"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
- Andre Gide
Andre Gide is a French writer who worked during the first half of the 1900's. Granted, I have read little of his work, but I love this quote. It also aptly describes much of my view on life. I believe fully in repeatedly leaving your comfort zone and traveling on to new people, places, and ideas. This method of madness has served me well in my travels both close and far from home.
This next adventure, that I hope you join me on, will be one of social and cultural study. I will be examining the contemporary world and how it has reacted to the creation of this new new media (see video).
It is an incredible subject to be examining now that the world has fully embraced this new advance in both technology and communication beyond the internet. new new media has already changed the way we work, communicate, explore, travel, research, think, and essentially everything else!
I will be posting more videos, photos, and links to news stories and studies pertaining to the subject and how society has either changed the flow of technology or been changed by it. I hope you join me for this wild ride backwards into the future!