Monday, October 22, 2012


  I want to discuss news aggregation software.  It is deadly and could possibly be the death of an educated and aware civilization.
  In simple terms news aggregation software is a piece of software that searches news feeds from all over the web looking for tags, and consolidating that information into a singular feed.
  It sounds like a great idea doesn't it?
  NO! No it does not.  It in fact, is a perfect symptomatic representation of how my current generation has abused the technology available to it.  Now the software can be quite useful, in fact Twitter is based on this system.
  The dangers of news aggregate software lies if the habits developed by my generation.  News aggregation allows for a person to tailor the news they read to specific topics.  We can now put blinders on our eyes to make sure we stay extremely narrow-minded.
  If we are not exposed to news under other topics our personal innovation, and inner dialogue.  Imagine the kinds of adults that will exist once we no longer pay attention to the front page of the newspaper!  Already a large section of Americans don't know their military is involved in so many conflicts abroad.
  The other issue caused by news aggregation software is the lack of funding to established news sources.  The NY Times has already seen a significant drop in ad revenue.
  When a person looks at a news article given to them by news aggregation they no longer skip around websites to find that article.  The chance of that person seeing an ad that pertains to them drops drastically just like ad revenue to major news sources has.  When that happens less funding can be used to support investigative journalism that helps keep businesses, political figures, and most importantly the government honest and transparent.
  Use news aggregation software if you like.  I won't blame you, but for all that is good in the world please look elsewhere for your news and information as well!
Because this could happen if we don't find our own news...
(from the movie Idiocracy)

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